It has been a busy last week of 2009 and here's an update of this Ajosshi's whirlwind wonderland of a holiday experience...
Christmas Eve:
Thanks to the combined efforts of Kblog giants Dan and Rob, I got a chance to experience my first North American style Christmas dinner.

They had ordered two huge turkeys with all the trimmings from Yongsan base and had decided to share the Christmas love with almost twenty people or so.
The food was good, but I am at a loss as to why our transatlantic cousins prefer their potatoes mashed rather than roasted. Does anyone know the reason why dinners differ so across continents? Still, the mashed potatoes were delicious topped with a spoon full of gravy and the cranberry sauce was warmly welcomed.

Much fun was had and Foreigner Joy's cheesecake made for a delightful centre piece on the dessert table. Due to work commitments I left before the tense late night game of scrabble ended, but I had to admire Dan's skills at finding the rudest words possible on the board...
Thanks Dan and Rob for hosting such a wonderful event and for providing such a sumptuous feast.
See, I don't remember mashed potatoes being a big deal back at home. But I think North Americans really miss them. Personally, I prefer the creamy texture of mashed potatoes with cream and butter over the dry starchy texture of roasted ones, but that's me.
Thanks for the info Joe. In my heart of hearts nothing beats a lovely fluffy crispy roast spud dipped in gravy...
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