Sometimes life is far too absurd. I was out with Joe from Zenkimchi for a spot of lunch and a crepe today, but we were scuppered in our attempts to achieve pancake satisfaction.
"et M'amie", in Itaewon, promises "Bistro Cafe Creperie Sucrerie" on their signs and yet there is not a single pancake on their menu. Complete crepe fail... The manager claimed that there were crepes at other branches of this chain, but to be honest if I see the word "creperie" in a restaurant window then I expect to be able to order a pancake or galette right there and then.
I'm not angry at you "et M'amie", I'm just disappointed...

I'm amused but far from surprised. Trust nothing on a Korean advertisement, be it written in English, French or, hell, Korean.
Too true, too true.
hmm...so now we can't trust photos OR written words here in korea? 아이고!
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