Yesterday saw the annual St Patrick's Day parade making its way down the narrow streets of the theatre district.
Thanks to the Irish Association of Korea the crowds of Daehangno were treated to some great music and a small mountain of free Guinness. The Seoul Global Center were also there lending their support to the celebrations.
The Wolfhound Pub were on hand to dish out some delicious Irish stew (also free) to those who came early. Supposedly it was smaller than last year, but everyone seemed to be having a great time and the atmosphere was very festive.

You can find the full set of photos here.
wow. good on anyone who went...it was cold as hell in daehangno yesterday.
Yes, very cold, but at least the free guinness and stew helped warm things up
Just curious........why the beard?
The beard featured in my profile picture is actually a contractual obligation. I'm an actor working for a theatre in Seoul and depending on what production we do, I may or may not be required to produce certain amounts of facial hair. In the last show we did I played a big, hairy minotaur on stilts (http://www.flickr.com/photos/matthewskorea/2926012347/) and the part needed a hairy chin. For our new production I think I may be just moustachioed, but nothing is set in stone yet...
Aside from that I'm a lazy bastard with sensitive skin, so any excuse not to shave is a welcome one. Beards run in my family (I've never seen my father clean shaven) so when I'm sporting a beard I feel a strange sense of filial pride.
At the end of the day, my beard's a useful tool as an actor and offers extra protection in the cruel winter months. I'm not always bearded... but sometimes it pays to be...
that's interesting. It looked like the St Patrick's day Parade in Tokyo.
Guinness must produce a number of those inflatable beer glasses for parades all around the world!
It's great advertising for them. With all the Guinness they give away they must know that sponsoring this kind of event is always going to help strengthen the Guinness brand. At least they help to bring something to the parade, they were the only noticeable corporate sponsor and free booze is always welcome.
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