Monday, January 31, 2011

Bravo My iPhone

Well, I've finally entered the 21st Century and got myself a smart phone. Thanks to the lovely folks at the KT Global Centre in Itaewon I've been kitted out with an iPhone 4 and am now getting used to the luxury of a wired lifestyle and the joys of being able to tweet pictures of my lunch...

However, I have a favour to ask, dear readers of mine... Now that I'm in possession of one of these fancy electronic devices, what apps should I be putting on it?

Help this poor ajosshi get to grips with his iPhone, put him out of his misery and suggest a few things that might ease his miserable life.

I will be eternally grateful...


Anonymous said...

IF you want to keep up to date on facebook and twiiter then TweetDeck is great.
For net, google works awesome. Navigation: Daum maps and iKorway (subway, train and bus schedules for all of Korea) are great.
Also odiyar is neat app too. It using your camera to point out places that you are looking for.
Dropbox is awesome for storage of documents.
Angry birds, plants vs zombies and age of zombies for games.

Hope this helps...

Chris in South Korea said...

We'll assume you've already figured out how to plug it in, and that you know how to get around the app store :)

Get a few social networking things - Facebook and Twitter both have apps - and a few games. Angry Birds is a given; otherwise, simply peruse the games and see what sounds interesting.

There's bound to be some theater apps that interest you - invest an hour or two and see what you find :)

Paul Ajosshi said...

Thank you both for your advice!

JR said...

Angry Birds is a great time waster. I also enjoying using Pandora to listen to music. I get a lot of use out of the Google Reader app. to follow blog feeds on the go.

bb said...

compared to some of my super-wired-up friends, i'm considerably 'minimalistic' in terms of my iphone apps, so hee, i'l just share what i use personally:

WhatsApp (good for sending text messages to friends overseas)
Pingchat (not as user-friendly since it doesn't auto-detect users; instead, you have to add contacts manually; but good for group msgs)
Viber (sound quality is only so-so, but hey, it's 'service' ^^)

facebook, twitter, hootsuite, twitterific, foursquare

tomorrow (good if all you're looking for is a can't-be-any-simpler TO-DO list),
XE currency exchange app,

youtube, GOM, dailymotion, TVUPlayer

instagram (i really like this one^^)
photoshare (for sharing photos amongst iphone users)
iLights (instant flashlight)

and of course, all your media houses, newspapers & local banks^^

and... very importantly, please remember to sign up for MobileMe (there should be a Find iPhone app that's a default app on your phone, ya?)

Anonymous said...

Camera+ is simply awesome, Seoul Metro is a can't live without app.,Twitbird Pro is nice for tweets. Instapaper, Read it Later, and Reeder for RSS are all must haves.